My Blog
Heeding the Call of the Soul
The soul’s journey through life is a spiritual one. I love the simple insights in this article by Mary Jaksch, How to Embark on a Spiritual Journey. I resonate especially with her point that one of the most difficult parts of the journey is simply heeding the call!...
Facing Stigma
I deeply appreciate the bind this professor at George Washington University found herself in while teaching a course about disability. Did she disclose her own challenge with depression to the class, and risk being stigmatized not only by her own students, but by...
End The Holiday Suicide Myth
It’s so important that we not perpetuate the myth that suicides increase during the holidays. According to the CDC, November and December are the months with the fewest suicides. This article, No, Suicides Don't Rise During the Holidays, published in The Atlantic,...
Life Is Not A Journey
Such a simple lesson and such a difficult one for us to remember! When we get lost in the whirlwind of life, remembering this can bring us back in touch with the deeper flow of the universe, and with our deeper self. Alan Watts & David Lindberg - Why Your Life Is...
A Sonnet of Death & Devastation
‘For all of you Breaking Bad aficionados out there, this video of Bryan Cranston reading Percy Shelly's poem Ozymandias may resonate with you: The poem tells us of a timeline to devastation. A spiritual life does not reside in time. It resides in a place of no time....
The Spiritual Roots of Depression
A friend of mine recently shared the following quote from Meditations on the Tarot: A Journey into Christian Hermeticism (by Valentin Tomberg). It speaks powerfully to what I believe is the deepest spiritual core of the desire to take one’s own life: At the root of...
The Power of Mental Imagery
The process of using mental imagery to cultivate the garden of our mind into flourishing flowers and fewer dead weeds is a powerful tool. Dr. Gerald Epstein gives an example on using mental imagery to "transform anger into creative energy" on his website. Epstein...