The soul’s journey through life is a spiritual one. I love the simple insights in this article by Mary Jaksch, How to Embark on a Spiritual Journey. I resonate especially with her point that one of the most difficult parts of the journey is simply heeding the call! I’ve experienced this myself, and spent many wasted years denying the deeper calling of my soul. She writes:
It’s much easier to coast through life on the surface without ever diving beneath to see down into the dark blue depths. But if we choose to ignore that there is more to life than the daily rush, and the hoarding of possessions – what happens when we come smack up against suffering? When we get ill, or someone we love leaves or dies, or when we near the end of our life (which could be at any time)? If we’ve just coasted through life without going into the depths, we’ll feel disorientated and lost – without any mental or spiritual resources to help us deal with suffering.
I believe that each of us has a calling, and I know that it takes courage to open ourselves up to hear what lies beneath the surface. It takes even greater courage to follow the deeper direction of our soul. Jaksch says:
We tend to refuse the call because know in our heart that a spiritual journey means to face the greatest of all fears, the fear of the unknown. We tend to refuse because we don’t want to change. One way that we commonly refuse the call is by denial. We deny whatever is difficult in our life. ‘This can’t be happening to me’ is a way we fend off what is painful or uncomfortable.
The journey isn’t always easy–in fact, it never is–and will take us through very dark times. But how can we truly know Light, if we never know darkness?