The motivation to write The Little Black Book of Suicide Notes emerged after several years of consciously engaging with many of the different challenges that life presents, including the incredible pressures society places on all of us to conform. We all desire to belong, and for some of us more than others, “fitting in” comes at a steep price. It can cost us our health, our happiness, and sadly for too many, a life. I believe that we all need to find our own tools to help us thrive in our lives, and this TEDx talk offers one simple (and humorous) approach to identifying what matters to you and how to be true to yourself.

The Magic of Not Giving a F*** | Sarah Knight |

I’d love to know what you think of Sarah Knight’s talk. I’d also love to hear what tools you’ve found that have given you confidence to not conform to society’s ideas of who you should be, to not crumble under the pressures to do things or be ways that are untrue to your deepest self.

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