Writing Can Bring Healing

Writing Can Bring Healing

During an especially challenging time in my life, I discovered the healing power of story telling. Sitting down to write each day, to compile my thoughts (sometimes coherently, very often not!) was cathartic and clarifying. I worked my way through a dark time, found...
The Power of Imagination

The Power of Imagination

As I wrote in my previous post, I want to share a selection of books that have, in the words of Ursula Le Guin, been my “guide to the country we’re visiting.” Here is another:   Over 15 years ago, I picked up The Encyclopedia of Things That Never Were by Michael...
Literature Is A Guide To Living

Literature Is A Guide To Living

“The reason literacy is important is that literature is the operating instructions. The best manual we have. The most useful guide to the country we’re visiting, life.” – Ursula Le Guin   We all have stories–in books, and in our heads. Stories have...
Taking a Step Without Feet

Taking a Step Without Feet

“There’s an important difference between giving up and letting go.” – Jessica Hatchigan   The concept of letting go can be misunderstood, misinterpreted. Jessica Hatchigan’s quote is critical for anyone seeking for a way through difficult times (or just through...

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