My Blog

The Artist’s Struggle for Integrity

You may agree or agree to disagree with what James Baldwin has to say in this link below, as you may agree or agree to disagree with what The Little Black Book of Suicide Notes has to say, but none the less, this is what a Spiritual Life asks of oneself. Please feel...

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Holding a Hand, Chaining a Soul

Holding a Hand, Chaining a Soul

My father kept this newspaper clipping taped up in his shop. It always made me stop and think and wonder if my father had learned these things. After he closed down his shop, I laminated it with scotch tape and have managed to keep it for decades. I hadn't seen it in...

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Reflections on Writing The Little Black Book of Suicide Notes

Reflections on Writing The Little Black Book of Suicide Notes

“The writing of a novel is taking life as it already exists, not to report it but to make an object, toward the end that the finished work might contain this life inside it and offer it to the reader. The essence will not be, of course, the same thing as the raw...

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Suicide Note #16: The Fifth Noble Truth

This is an excerpt from the sixteenth note in my book, The Little Black Book of Suicide Notes. I would love to hear what you think, in comments.   The audio version of The Little Black Book of Suicide Notes is available for download from Amazon.

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It takes effort and focus to keep our attention on the things that truly matter. Love. Friendship. Life. Small blessings. The changing of the seasons (it's spring here in New York, so I'm feeling especially grateful for that!). The opportunity to make a difference in...

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Suicide Is Painless

Suicide Is Painless

In the film M*A*S*H, Captain Walter Koskiusko "Painless Pole" Waldowski stages a Last Supper and faux suicide following an embarrassment in the boudoir. As far as dark comedies go, M*A*S*H nailed it, and the song “Suicide Is Painless” captures a certain essence of...

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Surviving Storms

Surviving Storms

I found this amazing quote yesterday, by the author Haruki Murakami. “And once the storm is over, you won’t remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won’t even be sure, whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come...

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Mental Healing and Spirituality

Mental Healing and Spirituality

I so appreciate the perspective Jay Mahler brings to the importance of spirituality in healing and recovery for people who have struggled with darkness in his interview, SPIRITUAL MEDICINE: BRIDGING THE GAP BETWEEN RELIGION AND PSYCHOLOGY. This excerpt from the full...

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